Pastor Carol was featured recently on a story that ran on Utah Public Radio concerning teen suicide prevention and St Paul’s efforts in that area. Here is the link to the story:
I am pleased to share with you the article below which appeared on the Rocky Mountain Conference’s website. It warms my heart to be a part of a congregation that is so loving and supportive. St. Paul UMC, local family help fund ads for teen crisis phone app Story and...
Notes from Samuel Loftin April, 2016 Sam preached a sermon on John 12:1-8 on March 13th. As our congregation goes through a transition in fall, I was reminded of how much each of us do to contribute to the livelihood of St. Paul. With his permission it is as...
“God Only Gives you what you can Handle” —Honestly? I have really come to almost get angry when someone tells me this, or I hear others being told this. It doesn’t make any sense to me, and it is not Biblical at all! If fact, this can really harm out relationship...
Listening to God! Are you listening? Do you remember hearing that as a young child? Perhaps your mother? Or your father? Or teacher? And even as we have become adults, do you say that to your spouse? Or your children? Are you listening? I think it is one of...