Utah Public Radio Story – Teen Suicide Prevention

Pastor Carol was featured recently on a story that ran on Utah Public Radio concerning teen suicide prevention and St Paul’s efforts in that area. Here is the link to the story: http://upr.org/post/state-utah-launches-app-address-teen-suicide
A Note from Pastor Carol – May 2016

A Note from Pastor Carol – May 2016

I am pleased to share with you the article below which appeared on the Rocky Mountain Conference’s website. It warms my heart to be a part of a congregation that is so loving and supportive. St. Paul UMC, local family help fund ads for teen crisis phone app Story and...
A Note from Pastor Carol – May 2016

A Note from Pastor Carol – April 2016

Notes from Samuel Loftin April, 2016 Sam preached a sermon on John 12:1-8 on March 13th.  As our congregation goes through a transition in fall, I was reminded of how much each of us do to contribute to the livelihood of St. Paul.  With his permission it is as...
A Note from Pastor Carol – May 2016

A Note from Pastor Carol – March 2016

“God Only Gives you what you can Handle” —Honestly? I have really come to almost get angry when someone tells me this, or I hear others being told this.  It doesn’t make any sense to me, and it is not Biblical at all!  If fact, this can really harm out relationship...
A Note from Pastor Carol – May 2016

A Note from Pastor Carol – February 2016

Listening to God! Are you listening?  Do you remember hearing that as a young child?  Perhaps your mother?  Or your father? Or teacher?  And even as we have become adults, do you say that to your spouse?  Or your children?  Are you listening?  I think it is one of...